Thursday 14 March 2013

3.14 Pi Day and the Life of Pi

14/3/2013 20:53

Today is the 14th of March, which is also known as Pi day, as in 3.14. I was so excited when my sister messaged me in the morning saying "Happy Pi Day", at first she had to explain it to me but then I was excited because for one, I'm a big geek and for two, The Life of Pi definitely makes the cut for my list for the Top Ten Books that I've ever read!

If I get round to it, I'll post my list for my top ten all time favourite books, but today is Pi day so lets talk about the Life of Pi.

I first saw the book in WH Smiths at a railway station, and decided that since I was going to take a long train ride to Oxford, I might as well read it on the way. From the first page, I was hooked! When I got to Oxford I was gutted that I had to put my book away, and I just wanted to keep reading it. You can imagine my excitement when I found out it was being made into a movie! 

However, once I had finished reading the book, I was in two minds about watching the movie. I've always thought that the movies that have been made from books lack imagination. I mean I loved the Harry Potter movies, and the Twilight movies, but I think everyone feels that the books are much better.

Life of Pi is a unique book, and by writing a review, I don't think I would do it justice, so this is not a review. If you want to know what happens, then you must read it. There's no other way. Its too confusing to understand otherwise. All I can tell you, is that its not for those who are cynical, small minded or even young. I think you need to have experienced a little life to be able to understand and feel the book.

I hope you have a great Pi day, and I'll speak to you soon xoxo