Saturday 23 February 2013


Usually I'm one of those who does what she wants... If I want to blog, I'll blog. If I want to film, I'll film. I don't do it because I have to, but the past few days I have felt like I've been overexerting myself, which is when I realised, "uh oh, I'm coming down with the flu"...

So my sister was off school because of half-term here in the UK, and she was looking forward to it, she wanted to go swimming and shopping and hang out with her mates.  You know, the usual. Then on Sunday, even before the week began, she came down with the flu! Bless her, she spent the whole week in bed, not being able to do anything, then on Thursday my throat started to feel sore, and I felt my glands swelling up! I took two Paracetamols straight away hoping to fight it before it got worse, but here I am on Saturday, in my room with the heating on full, trying to stop my nose and eyes from simultaneously running! 

Dear lord, I haven't felt this bad in AGES! I keep sneezing non stop, and there's a cloud over my head that will not budge! On top of that, the stress of uni work has hit me again! Why oh why do I need to get ill now! I should be out getting waxed and getting my hair cut for a photoshoot on Monday, instead I'm thinking I should make do with shaving my legs and hoping the stylist could work something out with my hair! 

I like blogging, it helps me get my thoughts out on paper, and I sometimes surprise myself reading back through what I've written, and at times when I'm ill, its hard to make out what I'm thinking! And sometimes, I lose my train of thought and read back thinking "there was a reason I wrote this, but I haven't got to the end of it", so if you read this and think it sounds like a bunch of rambling, then I apologise, but I hope you enjoyed reading this!

Love, hugs and kisses xoxo

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