Tuesday 8 January 2013

Happy New Year 2013

Jan 8th, 17:42

Happy New Year to all of you who are reading this, and I hope you have a wonderful year ahead of you. I hope you've made some interesting New Years resolutions... I've decided in the next year I'm going to get more organised! That's my number one resolution.

I kinda sorta miss 2012 to be honest... It was a good year for myself, and I hope this year will be just as good or even better *touch wood*... It depends on the people to make the year, so lets all make 2013 the "our" year!

Over the past year, I have come across various products and make up that I've fallen in LOVE with! I really enjoyed using some of these, and I hope you all will enjoy watching my favourite products of 2012! So check out my YouTube channel and leave a comment under the video telling me which products you enjoyed using throughout the year!


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