Thursday 14 March 2013

3.14 Pi Day and the Life of Pi

14/3/2013 20:53

Today is the 14th of March, which is also known as Pi day, as in 3.14. I was so excited when my sister messaged me in the morning saying "Happy Pi Day", at first she had to explain it to me but then I was excited because for one, I'm a big geek and for two, The Life of Pi definitely makes the cut for my list for the Top Ten Books that I've ever read!

If I get round to it, I'll post my list for my top ten all time favourite books, but today is Pi day so lets talk about the Life of Pi.

I first saw the book in WH Smiths at a railway station, and decided that since I was going to take a long train ride to Oxford, I might as well read it on the way. From the first page, I was hooked! When I got to Oxford I was gutted that I had to put my book away, and I just wanted to keep reading it. You can imagine my excitement when I found out it was being made into a movie! 

However, once I had finished reading the book, I was in two minds about watching the movie. I've always thought that the movies that have been made from books lack imagination. I mean I loved the Harry Potter movies, and the Twilight movies, but I think everyone feels that the books are much better.

Life of Pi is a unique book, and by writing a review, I don't think I would do it justice, so this is not a review. If you want to know what happens, then you must read it. There's no other way. Its too confusing to understand otherwise. All I can tell you, is that its not for those who are cynical, small minded or even young. I think you need to have experienced a little life to be able to understand and feel the book.

I hope you have a great Pi day, and I'll speak to you soon xoxo

Saturday 23 February 2013


Usually I'm one of those who does what she wants... If I want to blog, I'll blog. If I want to film, I'll film. I don't do it because I have to, but the past few days I have felt like I've been overexerting myself, which is when I realised, "uh oh, I'm coming down with the flu"...

So my sister was off school because of half-term here in the UK, and she was looking forward to it, she wanted to go swimming and shopping and hang out with her mates.  You know, the usual. Then on Sunday, even before the week began, she came down with the flu! Bless her, she spent the whole week in bed, not being able to do anything, then on Thursday my throat started to feel sore, and I felt my glands swelling up! I took two Paracetamols straight away hoping to fight it before it got worse, but here I am on Saturday, in my room with the heating on full, trying to stop my nose and eyes from simultaneously running! 

Dear lord, I haven't felt this bad in AGES! I keep sneezing non stop, and there's a cloud over my head that will not budge! On top of that, the stress of uni work has hit me again! Why oh why do I need to get ill now! I should be out getting waxed and getting my hair cut for a photoshoot on Monday, instead I'm thinking I should make do with shaving my legs and hoping the stylist could work something out with my hair! 

I like blogging, it helps me get my thoughts out on paper, and I sometimes surprise myself reading back through what I've written, and at times when I'm ill, its hard to make out what I'm thinking! And sometimes, I lose my train of thought and read back thinking "there was a reason I wrote this, but I haven't got to the end of it", so if you read this and think it sounds like a bunch of rambling, then I apologise, but I hope you enjoyed reading this!

Love, hugs and kisses xoxo

Thursday 17 January 2013


I love playing around with mehndi, its so much fun! Whenever my little cousins come round, they're always at me to put mehndi on their hands! I used to love it too when I was younger and used to beg my mum to make some for us to put on! Not much has changed, except now we buy the mehndi cones instead!!

These cones can be found anywhere! I usually just go to a store that sells Asian clothes, and they have the cones over by the tills! Not all cones are amazing though, I've come across so many cones that were a waste of money! They wouldn't come out well, or if they did the end result (colour) wasn't that nice, etc, etc. I'm actually still looking for the "perfect" cone, but I've found this one that can do the job in the meantime.

Its known as Nadra Black Outliner Cone Mehndi and can be purchased online at:
or even eBay stock them. With these cones you are guaranteed colour and the henna comes out evenly.

My only worry with these cones, is that it smells like paint. The kind of smell that would give you a headache! Its really not a nice smell. I mean mehndi has a very strong distinctive smell, and it masks that scent, so whatever is in it must be strong!

I only just put mehndi on for the purpose of showing you guys so I didn't finish my full hand, but you may if you would like to! Also, since I wouldn't class myself as a professional, its not going to be amazing! But here it is..

With mehndi you want to be able to do the patterns free style... You don't want to try and copy a design or a template, you just need to basically express what you want. I love working with flowers and hearts and attempt regal designs, so I try!

But, I suggest that if you want to start out with mehndi, then definitely use flowers, mangos, speech mark bubbles, striping, whirlpools, etc. Just easy designs that look nice! You can fill up your hand as much as you want or you can just do a thin strip! Just go with it!

So this is the colour the Nadra cone came out with. I didn't even wait for the mehndi to dry, I just washed my hands while it was still wet, since I didn't want to wait around. It already took me 20mins to do the pattern, and I had work to do, so I had to rush! This is quite a strong colour and its still slightly visible 5 days later.

For the best colour, you want to put the mehndi on in the evening then when its quite dry, you want to put a bag around your hand and sleep like that! Then in the morning before taking it off, squeezing lemon juice over the dried mehndi helps, as well as just warming your hand over a fire before washing it off! This also helps it last for longer!

This is one that I did before Xmas, and I left it overnight. I think this was day 5 after washing it off, so you can see the colour is still quite vibrant! I filled my whole hand, both sides for this one, and it took me around an hour to do!

Originally I was just going to do the bottom half, then I got carried away and ended up doing the rest of my hand!

On both sides!!

During the night, most of it came off, so the above pic was when most of it had come off the next morning.
Then when I washed it off, this is what it looked like:

 Well, that's all from me! Send me some pics of your mehndi designs, I'd love to see them, and if you want to see me actually do the first design then the video is down below! Be sure to like the video if you do, and subscribe to my channel for more videos! And leave a comment either on this blog or on the video letting me know what else you want to see!

M xoxo

Saturday 12 January 2013

Boots No. 7 Stay Perfect Nail Colour Review

Jan 12th 15:39

So its been a while since I first began collecting my No.7 nail polishes, and now since they've changed the size of the nail polishes, I don't think I will be getting any more, so my collection is complete! I have 25 nail polishes, all propped up at the end of my shelf! 

So the bottom row (from left to right):
Grey Skies, Beanie, Beautifully Black, Lucky Lilac, Blackberry, Vivid Violet, Foxglove, Damson Dream and Oyster.

Middle row (left to right):
Practically Perfect, Snowflake, So Simple, Highland Mist, Devils Delight, Salsa, Mojo and Cheeky Chops

Top row (left to right):
Me! Me! Me!, Perky, Betty Blues, Poolside Blue, Totally Teal, Dollar, Hot To Trot and Disco Nights

These photos really don't do it justice, but I have a couple of swatches to show you:

Betty Blues

Vivid Violet



Beautifully Black

Highland Mist

So these aren't the complete collection swatches, but there are some that I already have pictures of. 

No. 7 nail polishes are great. If I had to describe them in one word, it would be "awesome". The only let down with this collection, is that there aren't many colours. Some would say that its a good thing, since you wouldn't be tempted to buy a whole lot, but as a nail polish addict, it would have been good to have some more colours. 

They have changed the shape and size of the bottles now, and they have also added new colours, but I won't be buying them because they would honestly look weird on me No. 7 shelf, but my shelf is also full!!

If there is a colour that I absolutely must get, then I will, but I doubt it...

Otherwise, the brush is amazing, I really like using fat brushes, and it also dries really quickly! Just two coats does the trick with every single colour, and I can get a weeks wear out of them, as seen in my No. 7 Review on YouTube. 

There was a little chipping seen earlier on in the week, but that was due to my nail chipping, not the actual colour...

Overall, I think the No. 7 nail polishes are a wonderful brand, and I recommend them to you all!!

Let me know what you think of the No. 7 nail polishes, and if you use them, then which is your fave! (mine has to be Betty Blues)


Thursday 10 January 2013


Jan 10th, 23:44

So what are peoples takes on onesies? Are they cool or are they a load of BS? I personally own a onesie... Its has cat ears and a tail, and I'm actually wearing it at the moment! In fact my sisters both have one each! My older sister has a Mickey Mouse one and my younger sister is an owl... We love our onesies, they're comfortable, versatile and keeps you warm on a cold winters day (or a typical UK day, take your pick!!). 

I personally love my onesie, and when my cousin came round, I converted her into a onesie lover, and she left with her very own Hello Kitty onesie! The amazing thing is that the feet are padded, so theres a little friction so you don't slip on wooden floors, and if you don't like your feet to get too warm, there are even onesies that are footless! 

We bought ours from Primark and they cost between £12 and £14 depending on which one we bought. I've looked elsewhere, but I can't find any onesies that are as adorable! I do want to buy one to wear out, meaning to university, but I haven't found one yet! I must get one before winter is over!!

If anybody knows where to get a onesie suitable for outdoor wear then please let me know!


Tuesday 8 January 2013

Happy New Year 2013

Jan 8th, 17:42

Happy New Year to all of you who are reading this, and I hope you have a wonderful year ahead of you. I hope you've made some interesting New Years resolutions... I've decided in the next year I'm going to get more organised! That's my number one resolution.

I kinda sorta miss 2012 to be honest... It was a good year for myself, and I hope this year will be just as good or even better *touch wood*... It depends on the people to make the year, so lets all make 2013 the "our" year!

Over the past year, I have come across various products and make up that I've fallen in LOVE with! I really enjoyed using some of these, and I hope you all will enjoy watching my favourite products of 2012! So check out my YouTube channel and leave a comment under the video telling me which products you enjoyed using throughout the year!
